Tips for Reducing Commercial Energy Costs in 2024 and Beyond

by | Oct 8, 2024 | HVAC Incentives, Lighting Incentives, Natural Gas Incentives | 0 comments

Reducing commercial energy costs is an essential step for businesses looking to improve their bottom line while contributing to environmental sustainability. With energy prices continuing to fluctuate, companies are increasingly exploring strategies to cut down on their consumption. Below are practical ways to achieve this goal, along with information on available financial incentives.

1. Optimize Equipment Efficiency

One of the most effective ways of reducing energy costs is by upgrading to energy-efficient equipment. Retrofitting old equipment, like HVAC, lighting, water heaters, electrical and more can help conserve energy over time. Energy Star rated devices allow businesses to run their facility more efficiently and sustainably.

Regular maintenance and inspections of heavy-duty equipment, like HVAC systems, can prevent break downs from happening ahead of time. By scheduling tune-ups for changing filters, systems can work efficiently year-round.

2. Embrace Energy-Saving Technology

Smart building technologies provide businesses with additional tools to reduce energy usage. Installing networked lighting controls, such as motion detectors and scheduling systems, can shut the lights off in areas that aren’t in use. Similarly, smart thermostats can automate HVAC systems to adjust temperatures during off-hours, optimizing energy use without sacrificing comfort.

Smart technology can help monitor when maintenance is necessary and find more ways to conserve energy usage through its data. This can all be done wirelessly at one central location. 

Did you know there are commercial incentives and rebates for networked lighting controls? If your organization is considering a lighting upgrade there are incentives and rebates for both LED upgrades and lighting control systems.

3. Commercial Financial Incentives and Rebates

Financial incentives are an important tool for businesses to utilize when upgrading their properties. Incentives can be found through utility companies as well as state or federal programs. These rebates can range from LED lighting to thermostats and HVAC, even providing funding to commercial kitchens to upgrade their appliances.

Incentive Rebate360 offers rebate management to companies looking to create a more sustainable environment for their business. We can streamline the rebate process from start to finish, ensuring you get the rebates that suit your needs.

4. Managing Peak Demand Charges

Many utility providers charge higher rates during periods of the day when energy consumption is higher. When your business identifies when it uses the most electricity, measures can be taken into place to distribute energy usage throughout the day.

For example, businesses can wait to do more energy-intensive tasks during the off-peak time to combat electricity prices.

5. Conduct Energy Audits

Energy audits are used to identify the areas a business can improve its energy efficiency. Some utility companies offer, where a professional will inspect the property and assess any leaks, inefficiencies and outdated equipment. After the audit, experts will give their recommendation for places of improvement, like LED retrofits, upgrading HVAC equipment and more. Energy audits can be conducted internally by monitoring energy usage and keeping an eye out for any irregularities.

Some financial incentives require a professional energy audit to be done as a part of the application process to qualify for the rebate.

6. Monitor and Measure Energy Usage

Monitoring energy usage is one of the most important steps to lowering your business’s consumption. By inspection how the property uses energy and where most of the energy is used, then a strategy can be put into place on how to create a more sustainable and efficient environment.

This can be done by keeping an eye on utility bills to catch any errors and cut down on unnecessary expenses.

Incentive Rebate360 has experts with over 62 years of accumulated rebate recovery experience who provide our clients with a streamlined incentive and rebate management service that maximizes your returns. Click here to schedule a call with one of our experts today!

7. Explore Renewable Energy

Businesses have been taking advantage of renewable to lower reliance on fossil fuels. Many are installing solar panels as a supplementary energy source to combat electricity prices. They can even be used to create microgrids, this technology allows properties to have their own energy grid.

8. Evaluate Water Consumption

Water consumption can be overlooked in sustainability strategies, even though it plays a key role in energy usage. Maintaining or retrofitting water tanks and heaters are two options to ensure water and energy isn’t being wasted. Plus making sure pipes are up to standard and using new technology like tankless water heaters. Reducing your building’s water usage has a direct effect on both energy and financial savings.

9. Check Building Insulation

During extreme weather conditions, proper insulation can have an impact on energy costs. Having insulation throughout the building keeps heat and cool air in during the summer and winter to keep the building comfortable. Doing this takes some of the load off the HVAC systems, so they don’t have to work as hard to maintain the set temperature. By investing in adequate insulation, businesses can lower their heating bills and improve overall energy efficiency.

10. Employee Engagement and Education

Employees are a key player in ensuring your business does not waste energy. Educating them on sustainable habits can help encourage an efficient workplace. They can take part by turning lights off when they leave a room or unplugging certain electronics when they are not in use. By fostering an energy-conscious work culture, small behavioral changes can translate into significant long-term savings.

Maximize Energy Savings with Incentive Rebate360

By implementing these energy-saving strategies and exploring available financial incentives, businesses can significantly reduce their energy usage and expenses. Reducing commercial energy costs is a multifaceted effort, but with the right approach, the rewards are substantial—both for the environment and the bottom line.

Incentive Rebate360 offers additional ways to cut costs while creating an energy-efficient business. To speak with our experts about qualifying for financial incentives, contact us today by calling 480-653-8180, emailing [email protected], or scheduling a call that fits your needs by clicking the button below!


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