Has Your Organization Reviewed These ComEd Energy Efficiency Programs

by | May 28, 2024 | HVAC Incentives, Lighting Incentives | 0 comments

Running a business is all about efficiency, and when it comes to energy use, ComEd’s Energy Efficiency Programs offer a golden opportunity for significant savings. These programs provide rebates and incentives tailored to help businesses reduce energy consumption, lower operating costs, and enhance sustainability. Let’s dive into how your business can benefit from these offerings.


Illuminating Savings with Lighting Incentives

Lighting accounts for a considerable portion of a business’s energy use and upgrading to energy-efficient options can lead to substantial savings. ComEd Energy Efficiency Programs offer various incentives for both indoor and outdoor lighting projects:

LED Fixtures/Retrofits: Receive $0.75 per watt reduced when you switch to LED lighting. LEDs are not only energy-efficient but also have a longer lifespan, reducing maintenance costs.

Sensors: Implementing occupancy sensors can save even more:

– Indoor Occupancy Sensors: $0.25 per watt controlled

– Outdoor Occupancy Sensors: $0.20 per watt controlled

– Vacancy Sensors (indoor only): $0.20 per watt controlled

– Plug Load Occupancy Sensors: $10 per sensor

For businesses looking to make a statement with their signage, ComEd offers rebates for LED signs, too. For example, an “Open” sign earns you $40 per sign, while channel letter signs can earn between $12 and $30 per letter depending on size.

If your organization has any energy efficiency projects or new construction schedule for 2024 – 2025 you need to talk to one of our incentive and rebate recovery specialists. You could be leaving thousands or even hundreds of thousands of dollars on the table if you are not incorporating commercial incentive and rebate recovery services.

Cooling Costs with Refrigeration Incentives

Refrigeration is another area where energy efficiency can yield significant savings. ComEd provides numerous incentives to help offset the costs of upgrading to more efficient systems:

– EC Motors: For walk-in coolers or freezers, receive $90 per motor, and for reach-in refrigerated cases, $45 per motor. Adding evaporator fan controls increases this to $130 per controlled motor.

– Anti-Sweat Heater Controls: Receive $62.50 per door for glass door coolers or freezers.

– Display Cases: Earn $260 per linear foot for coolers and freezers with doors.

– LED Refrigerated Display Case Lighting: $60 per door for closed cases, or $24 per linear foot for open cases.

These upgrades not only improve energy efficiency but also enhance the performance and longevity of your refrigeration systems.


HVAC Efficiency for Optimal Comfort

Heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) systems are essential for maintaining a comfortable work environment. ComEd’s Energy Efficiency Program includes various incentives for upgrading HVAC systems:

– Chillers: Rebates start at $5 per IPLV improvement per ton, with higher incentives for chillers with integrated VSDs and oil-free bearing chillers.

– Demand Controlled Ventilation: $40 per 1,000 sq. ft. of conditioned space.

– Guest Room Energy Management Systems: $100 per guest room for electric heat/AC systems.

For example, a rooftop unit replacement project might have an estimated project cost of $16,437 but with an incentive received of $4,540, leading to annual energy savings of 28,016 kWh and an estimated payback period of just 4.8 years.


Rebate Examples

To illustrate the potential impact, consider these success stories:

A healthcare office with a $2,000 lighting project cost received $931 in incentives, saving 19,339 kWh annually, equating to $1,733 in yearly savings.

A manufacturing facility with a $9,700 project cost received $7,275 in incentives, resulting in 73,081 kWh in annual energy savings and $4,706 in cost savings.

By replacing an old rooftop unit and implementing demand-controlled ventilation, a company received $14,460 in incentives, saving 269,270 kWh annually. This project led to annual cost savings of $24,075, with an estimated payback period of just 4.8 years.

A local grocery store can drastically cut its energy expenses by upgrading its refrigeration system with help from the ComEd Energy Efficiency Program. By installing LED case lighting, anti-sweat heater controls, and EC motors, they received $45,206 in incentives, saving 375,116 kWh annually. This upgrade resulted in annual cost savings of $32,099, with an estimated payback period of just 1.7 years.


Additionally, if you install Illinois-manufactured products, you may qualify for a 10% additional incentive. Check the Building Clean database to find eligible products.


Energy Efficiency Program Applications with Incentive Rebate360

By leveraging ComEd’s Energy Efficiency Programs, your business can not only reduce energy costs but also contribute to a more sustainable future. Many financial incentives may require an energy audit prior to applying. For expert advice on energy incentive application, contact Incentive Rebate360! Contact us by calling 480-653-8180, emailing [email protected], or schedule a call that fits your needs by clicking the button below!



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